Clear your kitchen waste conveniently with our Pull-Out Bin that conceals inside your kitchen cabinet perfectly.
With a 15-liter capacity for each plastic waste bin, the Pull-Out Bin comes in compartments with lids that allow you to separate your waste from each other as well as from your recycling items. Included too is a bench frame to hang any plastic waste bag if required.
The removable plastic lids help to prevent odors from leaking out and the sturdy metal runners ensure smooth sliding in and out. The plastic waste bins also come with individual metal handles for easy lifting out for garbage disposal and subsequent cleaning. It’s easy to install and does not take up valuable floor space in your kitchen.
Features: Practical and aesthetical design Space saver Easily concealed waste bins 2 compartments with lids Heavy-duty sliding runners Large capacity Easy installation Easy to clean Under bench wastebaskets
Specifications: Frame material: Plastic Body & Cover material: ABS & Polypropylene plastic Capacity (per compartment):15L Mounting option: Bottom mount/ side mount Runner: Normal slide Dimensions: 48 x 34 x 35cm Full dimensions: 95 x 34 x 35cm Weight: 5kg Colour: Grey